2024 Andy Law's new game is here ! <X run 3>


<X run 3> on Steam

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<A Army Base> on Steam

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Search my games on Steam CrazyFlasher2,3,4,5,6 on Steam CrazyFlasher7 on Steam

In 2023, Andy Law, the developer of this game, will fully use new game development tools and platforms. Thanks to STEAM for providing the game publishing platform. Thanks to UNITY for providing a high-quality and stable development platform. Thanks to Google for providing high-quality network services. Thanks to ChatGPT for the amazing AI artificial intelligence assistance. Thanks for everything FLASH provides. Although it has been eliminated, I will still continue to use it, old friend.


当前已上架STEAM游戏有:《闪客快打单机版合集2021 (Crazy Flasher Series 2021)》(本合集包含《闪客快打2》、《闪客快打3拼命之王》、《闪客快打4枪林弹雨》、《闪客快打5超级英雄》、《闪客快打6毒刺行动》)《闪客快打7佣兵帝国单机版Crazy Flasher 7 Mercenary Empire(stand-alone Version)》《闪客快跑3》X run 3


因服务器运维成本原因,原《闪客快打7佣兵帝国》网络版与《闪客快打8武装行》网络版于2023年12月4日停服。《闪客快打7佣兵帝国》单机版(Crazy Flasher 7 Mercenary Empire(stand-alone Version))将持续运营。

Due to China's domestic policy reasons, the old official website CRAZYFLASHER.COM ANDYLAW.NET BBPLAYER.NET has decided to temporarily close.
The new official website is now ANDYLAW.GAMES


本站AndyLaw.Games为《闪客快打》系列游戏作者Andy Law的个人官方网站。由我AndyLaw本人维护。
This website, AndyLaw.Games, is the personal official website of Andy Law, the author of the "Crazy Flasher" series of games. Maintained by myself, AndyLaw.


© 2023 AndyLawGames. All Rights Reserved.
AndyLaw.Games is a game development studio.
all rights reserved.
Please contact us if necessary..
QQ: 57239157